Originally posted Nov. 1 2009
Written by Tracey Lukasik

Photo courtesy backstageaxxess.com
The intimate setting of the Bear’s Den was the place to be Thursday night as guitarist Rik Emmett and his band delivered a tight set of Triumph classics interspersed with a couple of smooth jazz instrumentals and a fantastic cover of the timeless Clapton hit, “Layla.”
Rik’s right hand man (and fellow accomplished guitarist) Dave Dunlop, served as a sparing partner throughout the night as they playful challenged each other in a “riff-off,” if you will, while also entertaining the crowd with comedic dialogue. As Emmett recanted a story where he needed to use supplies from his “first aid kit,” to ease the discomfort of raw finger nail, Dunlop referred to the kit as Rik’s “purse.” Rik got his revenge moments later when Dunlop’s cord kept falling loose from the jack of his guitar resulting in amplified “thuds” right at the climax of the “Midsummer’s Daydream.” Emmett teased with, “Dave, every kid in a garage band knows you weave your cord through the guitar strap!” The crowd chuckled and the boys called it even. This minor technical difficulty was the only hiccup in an otherwise flawless evening of incredible guitar playing by both Emmett and Dunlop. Despite the cord incident, “Midsummer’s Daydream” was a crisp and clean harmonic delight as the duo played this instrumental number in jaw-dropping synchronicity.
Rik went on to provide a blistering solo at the end of “Three Clouds Across the Moon,” that resulted in a standing ovation that lasted until the band returned for their sole encore, “Magic Power.” Before taking a final bow, Emmett instructed the crowd to “Hold on to the power with everything you’ve got!” It was apparent to all in attendance that he has definitely taken his own advice!
Lay it on the Line
Somebody’s Out There
Allied Forces
Rocky Mountain Way
Fight the Good Fight
Red Hot
Midsummer’s Daydream
Hold On
3 Clouds
Magic Power
We would like to thank Rick Wharton for allowing us to cover the show. Please stay tuned for an exclusive video interview that was conducted before the show with Rik right here on Backstageaxxess.com.